Thursday, January 10, 2013


I would like to start this blog by saying Happy New Year to everyone. I believe that this year is going to be one of the greatest years of your life. This is your year, this is your moment and God is going to show forth His goodness in your life. The thing I love about a new year is the fresh start. For many of you 2012 was challenging, difficult and troublesome. But thanks be to God that we serve a God of new beginnings. You can leave 2012 where it is, in the past. Paul says in Philippians 3:13, "... forgetting those things which are behind and reaching FORWARD to those things which are ahead." This is the year to move forward toward  the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Our God's tender-mercies and loving-kindness are new every single morning. God gives us a fresh start everyday of our lives. What a wonderful and comforting thought. No matter the mistakes, setbacks, sins, struggles  or disappointments you experienced in your past you can MOVE FORWARD with God's grace and mercy. 

The enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10) and one of his must effective tactics is to keep you locked in the prison of your past. By doing so, he debilitates you from reaching the expected end that God has for you (Jeremiah 29:11). His lies entrap us in fear and cripples us from fulfilling the purposes of God for our life. Once we get the revelation that we have the right to a fresh start and a new beginning we can accomplish all that God has placed in us to accomplish. When the enemy reminds you of your past, you remind him of his future. You combat every one of his lies with the truth of God's word. You have a future in Christ Jesus!

So beloved, receive that fresh start and new beginning that the Lord has for you. As we start this new year choose to press FORWARD and escape the prison of your past. You are forgiven, redeemed and released from the mistakes of yesterday. Second Corinthians says, "Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a NEW creation; old things are passed away; behold all things have become NEW."  So I encourage you to Keep MOVING FORWARD, NO LOOKING BACK!

In Christ,

Chris Jacobs

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