Friday, June 14, 2013


If you were to Google churches in your area you would find out that there are probably hundreds in your zip code. We see beautiful historical churches in our downtown regions and non for profit agencies claiming to be doing the Lord's work. Yet there still looms statistical facts that are disheartening and tragic. Joblessness and homelessness are still on the rise and many people are struggling. In our economic times families are becoming homeless and more children are on the streets. When you visit many churches you will also find out that they are not evangelism driven. Some churches would rather you come to them than they go to you. Even the word evangelism seems as if it is an offensive word in the church today. We may have a toy drive around Christmas and maybe a summer outreach depending on the church budget. Evangelism has been gravely neglected and rejected by the 21st century church. We are more interested in building our own personal kingdoms and buildings rather than doing true Kingdom work just as Jesus modeled. The church must adopt an evangelism mindset and go beyond the four walls of their comfortable, air conditioned sanctuaries and reach a lost, dying generation. 

Jesus COMMANDED that we GO into ALL the world and PREACH the gospel to EVERY creature (Mark 16:15). This was not a suggestion but it was clearly a command. Over the years the church has become too comfortable and quite lackadaisical behind her walls. The church was not designed to be a country club for  elite leaders and self righteous Christians.  It was designed to be a hospital for a broken and dying world. If we are not IMPACTING the community that our church is located in, then what are we doing? If every family within a 10 mile radius does not know that we are available to them and their community, then what are we doing? We must tear down the wall that separates the church and community and began to GO so people will KNOW!

I challenge you today to become evangelism minded. Think outside the four walls of your church building to see how you can impact the people around you. It's time reach out to this hurting, dying world to let them know that Jesus Christ can heal and help them in every area of their lives.

God Bless, 

Evangelist Chris Jacobs

Please support Operation Thirst as we take on the summer heat in Houston and minister the love of God to the homeless. Donate by clicking the link below:

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