Wednesday, September 29, 2010


God has commanded us in 1 Timothy 2:2 that we must pray for all who are in authority over us. Satan is unleashing his arsenals on those who hold leadership positions in the body of Christ today. Do you know that Satan hates preachers? Whether pastors, prophets, apostles, evangelists or teachers;he hates God's vessels in the earth and will try to destroy them in any way possible. His job on this earth is to steal, kill and destroy everything that is of God and he starts with the head and works his way down. I truly believe that many men and women of God have fallen because the saints and those under them have not girded them up in prayer. I do not  know if you realize it or not, but our leaders are human too. They face temptations, setbacks, discouragement and misunderstanding. I must also say, probably more than the lay person or regular folks. Why so? Because they are responsible for more souls than the average Christian. They are shepherds over a flock and if Satan can destroy, mislead or discourage them, than he can destroyed an entire flock. Did you know that all authority has been appointed by God according to Romans 13:1? From the President to the pulpit, God has orchestrated this entire world system and everything in it. He knew Saul would turn His back on Him one day(1 Sam 15), but He still placed him in leadership over Israel for a purpose. You see friends, God has already written the end from the beginning and He has made all things to work out in His plan, good or bad. That is why when we do not understand you trust God.

The body of Christ needs to fall back on their knees and began to intercede for those who rule over their souls. The bible says that the effectual, fervent prayers of the righteous availeth much(James 5:17). Lets begin to go in our secret place and tear down the strongholds of the enemy over our leaders. Lets begin to pray for the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, counsel and might, understanding and fear of the Lord for our leaders(Isaiah 11:2). We need to get serious about using our authority in the spirit and take back all that belongs to us. We need to rise up and stand in the gap for our nation, our churches, our schools and our families so we will not be destroyed. We should call on the mercies of God to cover our leaders. People of God, we need to PRAY!! It is time to seek the Lord while He may be found because tomorrow might be too late. God Bless and I love you.

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