Monday, September 27, 2010

Expect Something Great!!

God meets us at our level of expectation. What are you expecting? God can only do what we believe He can do. If we can expand and enlarge our level of expectation, we can expand, enlarge and increase what God can do in our lives. Expectation is not based on external events or circumstances. Expectation is rooted in God. It is a supernatural force that comes from having faith in God and His word. It comes from the inside out. It keeps on expecting even when there is delay and disappointment. Romans 4:18 says that Abraham had this kind of expectation. His expectation was based on God's promises. Never let go of your expectation(Heb. 10:23).

Expectation produces the vitality and energy we need to keep pressing on even when things are difficult(Ps.31:24). It produces the courage we need to take risks and do what we have done before. As far as faith is concerned, the promises of God are a done deal. Faith produces expectation. Faith is the confident assurance that God will bring His promises to pass in our lives. The evidence of faith is confident expectation. What is the fruit of expectation? JOY. Our expectation is going to result in an answer from God.

So I encourage you my brothers and sisters to start expecting good things today. Think Big. Believe Big. Dream Big. But most of all expect God to something great in your life today.

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