Wednesday, November 3, 2010


We are living in a day and time where everyone wants to accomplish great things in life. Everyone is chasing success and power. Even in the church people have a strong desire to do the will of God on earth for themselves. But people do not understand that it is not going to be accomplished through your own power or strength. Zechariah 4:6 states that it is not by might nor by power but by the Spirit(who produces the anointing). The anointing is an empowerment from God through the Holy Spirit which causes the believer to become fruitful, fat, powerful, conquering, successful, spiritual and blessed to accomplish God's purpose and plan for your life, for others spiritual growth, development and strength. You can not fulfill God's purpose without the anointing of the Holy Spirit. The anointing transforms you from natural to supernatural, from weak to strong and from fearful to faith-filled. It transforms you from Clark Kent to SUPERMAN! Glory!!

The olive is the symbol of the anointing in the bible. It represented wealth and fruitfulness. It was called the king of all trees(Judges 9:8,9). It grows very slow and must be maintained diligently and well kept. The olive can grow crops that produces oil for centuries. They gather it through shaken and beaten and also beat them with long poles. They crush them to release the oil. Many of you have been experiencing these symptoms in this season. But be of good courage because God is producing an anointing in you. That is why all hell has been breaking out in your life. God is using the trials of life to produces a yoke destroying, burden removing anointing.

Purpose of the anointing:

  1. Empower you to conquer your enemies(Luke 10:19).
  2. To preach. We all are called to preach where ever we go(Isaiah 61:1-4).
  3. To heal the broken(Isaiah 61:1-4).
  4. To proclaim liberty to the prisoners.
  5. To glorify God(Acts 2:39-47).
  6. To empower you to use your gifts & ministries for the church(I Cor. 12, Eph. 4:11,12).
How to get it:

  1. Salvation. You must accept Jesus in your life(Romans 10:9, 10).
  2. The Holy Spirit. You must be filled with the Spirit. The anointing comes through Him(Luke 4:18).
  3. Impartation. From your pastor, mentor or other ministers(1 Timothy 4:14).
  4. You already have it. Tap into it(1 John 2:27).
The anointing is going to make the difference in your life. When you begin to tap into that anointing in the days ahead you will experience a lifting off of your shoulders. You will allow the anointing to do it's job and you will not try to make things happen. The Spirit is going to empower you to accomplish the purpose of God for your life and will bring you in your wealthy place. 

In Him,

Chris Jacobs


  1. Wow! Thank u for being such a blessing and sharing ur love and passion.

  2. this article was a great blessing to me. Thank you brother.

    Daniel Jacob, India

  3. I'm blessed just reading this ! Keep up the good work, Sir.

  4. The anointing is such a powerful tool, the article was such a blessing to my soul...
