Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Over the last few years with the economic turmoil and crisis many people have lost jobs, houses, finances and many other things. Also we have an enemy, the Devil, who has been robbing from us for quite too long. His full time job is to kill, steal and destroy. But we are embarking on a  season of restoration. Joel 2:25 says, "I will restore the years that the locust have eaten up." God is a Restorer. He is a God who is restoring order to His children's lives. The word restore has a few different meanings but I want to focus on these three:

  1. To bring back to existence, use or the like; to restore order. Many believe that they cannot be use by God anymore but God is bringing them back to use for the Kingdom of God. That divorced person, that person in prison, on the street or in a shelter who feels like you cannot be used of God anymore. You are still useful to His Kingdom.
  2. To put back to a former place, position or rank; to restore a king to his throne. God is placing you back to the position you belong in Him. He is restoring the image you have of yourself. You are a King and you have a kingly anointing. He is putting you back on the your throne. You are going to reign again.
  3. To give back; restitution. Proverbs 6:31 says that if a thief(the enemy) has been found out he has to repay sevenfold.  The devil has been exposed today as a robber and he must pay us back everything that he has stolen. Recompense is coming to you. He may have stolen your peace, joy and family but today is your day of justice and he must REPAY.
Restoration is a promise that you can receive from God. In the days ahead I want you to reclaim the things that has been lost or stolen. I believe that many people have broken relationships that need to be restored. God says He is going to restore them. Some have lost jobs but in this season you will receive the job you have been believing for with a double salary. He is able and willing to move on your behalf. We have to get violent with the enemy because he has gotten violent with us. We are taking back all that he has stolen from us in Jesus name! Job received double for his loss. This is the hour of double return Hallelujah!!! Restoration is coming to your life.

God Bless,

Chris Jacobs